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Guided Meditations

Guided Meditations

A connection to your inner resources

Guided Meditations

Guided meditations are a way to anchor and sustain the clearing work after an acupressure session and throughout your day.

Kathleeen’s meditations offer soothing and positive ways to connect to a place of peace within yourself.  She also invites the imagination to explore creative ideas and possbilities, often bringing a sense of inspiration and confidence.

Taking a moment for yourself ...

Meditation Series

Meditations especially designed for …

Beginning your Day

Rose Meditation

Releasing Tension

Chakra and Crystal Clearing

Your Inner Guide


Coming home to yourself…

Inner Child Meditations

Some mystics and visionaries say the inner child is still within us, and requires a sense of safety and comfort in order to be happy.

Through a meditation on this idea of a precious child within, we can imagine a sense of  comfort and self-love for the inner little one who still needs a wise, loving adult on her side. This loving adult is YOU!

Kathleen provides gentle guided meditations to help restore your inner child to a place of balance and play.


Come Home to yourself

Inner Child Meditations

Meditations especially designed for …..

Protection & Comfort

Soothing the Inner Child

Wonder & Joy

Receiving the Inner Guide

Purpose & Play

Receiving Permission

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Love From Clients


“Kathleen has a depth of experience and skills that she uses to create a safe and nurturing space that allows for the healing process to occur. Using the variety of techniques to balance energies in the body, depending on what is needed during a session it can either be a weekly tune-up or a deeper dive into blocks that are ready to be resolved. I leave feeling calm, peaceful and relaxed. ”
- DP, Westminster
“Kathleen is truly a gifted healer. Her innate wisdom, empathic intuition and extensive training in multiple disciplines have helped me clear so much baggage and be more my real self. She is such a blessing!”
— Josie, Boulder
“Kathleen’s work has not only helped me attain and develop tools I use to maintain a close relationship to the light but also an awareness of who I am and what I want to cultivate with other people around me. Her skills as a mentor and guide have helped me grow in all aspects of my spirit, emotional and physical bodies.”
“Kathleen has been such a place of grace in my life since we met...the tools she has provided, the generosity, the wisdom, and the magic she has infused into my life has really been the catalyst for keeping the hope, remembering that I am worthy of this light, and helping me to can I just say thank you!”